Alice May Buttenshaw

(1880 - 1880)
Alice May Buttenshaw|b. 1880\nd. 1880|p629.htm|James Buttenshaw|b. 27 Jul 1850\nd. 30 Jul 1941|p621.htm|Mary Ann Larkin|b. 9 Feb 1851\nd. 31 Dec 1906|p626.htm|James Buttenshaw|b. 21 Jan 1810\nd. 30 Jul 1881|p614.htm|Sarah Dengate|b. 18 Jan 1812\nd. 22 Apr 1911|p615.htm|George Larkin||p728.htm|Maria Tickner||p729.htm|
  • Alice May Buttenshaw was born in 1880 in Young, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Her birth was registered in New South Wales in the district of Young in 1880, the registration number was 28199/1880.
  • She died in 1880 in New South Wales, Australia.
  • Her death was registered in New South Wales in the district of Young in 1880, the registration number was 11249/1880.